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Non-recurring month membership costs $15 more than monthly recurring. Pre-checked offer (called a cross sale) on billing page (Paypal only), plus 2 pre-checked offers on join page. Larger sizes available in zip files, no slideshows. Each video comes with a set of good amateur quality screencaps sized at 800x467. 773 sets of good quality digital stills sized from 667x1017 or 1135x774 at good amateur to very good quality. Very good quality streaming videos are also mobile compatible. Newer downloads sized at 1440x816 at very good quality, plus 2 smaller sizes older downloads sized at 960x544 and 640x360 at good amateur quality. Videos offered for download and streamingĢ,973 exclusive videos in MP4 format. Never-ending scroll now only on members homepage.Site has also added 35 digital stills galleries.

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Site added 368 videos & corresponding galleries.And the models are mostly European, so plenty of uncut cocks! There's a lot to like here: the content is exclusive and very good quality, the 2,900+ videos can be downloaded, and a video, model, or pic set is added 6 to 7 days a week. George Duroy's Bel Ami Online offers the most gorgeous twinks, beautiful jocks, and sexy hunks in a mix of hardcore fuck action and erotic solos. Click here to visit Bel Ami Online Introduction to

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